Line on manufacture mineral wool heat sound insulation products (HSI) annual production rate of 6000 tons
Standard production:
- mats soft rolling, plates rigid, semifixed, soft thickness from 20 up to 100 mm, no more than 2600 mm, length - are not limited by width,
Density from 30 up to 150 kg / m3. Binding - bitumen, phenolic, acrylic, mineral.
Characteristics of a received fibre
- Diameter of elementary fibres - from 4 up to 8 microns
- the Chemical compound - corresponds to structure of a mix of basalts, dolomite and limestone in the ratio approximately 70 (basalt)/30 (dolomite+limestone)
- Amount of not fibrous inclusions - up to 5 %
- the Seeming density - from 15 kg / m3
- the contents binding in a product (on the dry rest) - from 2 up to 12 %
Raw material:
- The volcanic and sedimentary rocks, binding, packing materials. Selection of structure mixture
spent on a basis laboratory researches of samples of concrete deposits of rocks of basalt
group and sedimentary breeds (dolomite,
limestone and similar to them, containing calcium). Carrying out of researches of other
kinds of raw material, including unicomponent is possible
Natural (amphibolites) and metallurgical slags on suitability to use.
Productivity of a line on finished articles:
Annual - 6000 tons (At round-the-clock work during 340 days in one year)
Nominal - 750 kg / hour
The minimal recommended 500 kg / hour
Maximal - 1000 kg / hour
Water - technical up to 50 m3 / day:
The electric power - 3-phase, 380 V, 50 Hz, up to 650 kw on the established capacity;
Gas - natural average pressure, till 600 nm3/hour;
Compressed air - 3 m3/min, 0,6 … 0,8 MPa.
Buildings and constructions:
A producing department - "L" - a figurative building, 54 on 42 m, at width and height of a
long part accordingly 12 and 6 m, and to width and height of a short part - 18 and 12 m. In a zone
of installation of the furnace it is provided ventilation skylight;
A warehouse of raw material - not heated building or a canopy up to 1000 m2;
A site of preparation mixture - a room with positive temperature 18õ12 m;
A warehouse binding - at use phenolic binding - a room with temperature from +5 up to +15î With the area up to 50 m2;
At use acrylic-bentonitic binding - a dry room with positive temperature.
A site of preparation binding - a room 12õ6 m
Compressor - a room 6õ5 m
A warehouse of finished goods - according to the accepted specification of a stock of finished goods.
A site of unloading of raw material - railway with bridge by delivery of raw material
in bulk or an opportunity crane unloadings by delivery by motor transport;
Workshop with a site of restoration rollers up to 50 m2.
Household and office buildings - according to specifications.
granting a standard project of the enterprise designed on use of 2 lines or designing
exist buildings and constructions under new manufacture is Possible.
The personnel:
- 4 changes on 5-6 person of the basic industrial workers;
- laboratory - 3 persons
- a warehouse - 12 person
- support personnel - 6 person
The customer gives:
Rooms (building) manufactures comprehensible to the organization, brings required communications,
Carries out civil work and the bases under the equipment, a set of the basic industrial
workers for training. The customer also carries out legalization of works and manufactures.
Terms of realization of the project:
- Till 11 months.
The basic technological operations by manufacture mineral wool products
The line is intended for reception is matte also plates from a mineral fibre with use various
kinds binding also represents a complex of the process equipment which is carrying out the following functions:
1. Preparation and loading mixture.
For manufacture of a mineral fibre basalt as rubble of fraction of 10-30 mm and äîëîìèòû+èçâåñòíÿêè as as rubble of fraction of 10-30 mm is used.
The mix of these rubble (mixture) is prepared on a separate site, acts in shop and gets enough sleep in the reception bunker. At use of raw material of large fraction up to 200 mm the centrifugal crusher and the qualifier is provided.
From the reception bunker mixture by means of the conveyor acts in two loading bunkers of äîçàòîðîâ-loaders. Feeder-loaders are located (2 piece) on a platform of service of the furnace and have adjustable productivity.
The reserve loader is provided.
The suggested decision provides full mechanization and automation of process preparations mixture
and its loadings with exact weight batching, as ratio of components, and submitted in to bakee amounts.
The high degree of automation of process is connected to necessity of exception the human factor
since stability and accuracy of structure mixture has basic value for quality of finished goods.
2. The reception of melt
The melt of mixture occurs in the gas bathing furnace. The furnace has system recuperation for heating of air,
brought to torches and system of selection of heat of the smoke gases directed for technological or household needs.
For increase in a resource of the furnace in its parts subject to destruction chemically proof fire-resistant materials are used.
Besides automatics of safety the furnace is supplied with the monitoring system of technological parameters:
- stabilization of a level melt in the furnace;
- maintenance of temperature melt on 3-rd zones (fusion, homogenization and manufacture);
- automatic maintenance of a ratio "gas - air";
The company of the furnace - till 4th years at carrying out of scheduled preventive maintenance.
Furnace melting
3. Reception of a fibre from melt
Reception of a fibre from melt is made on 4 rolling centrifuge. The centrifuge is supplied blast
engine for blow-off fibres in the chamber fibre-deposition and atomizers for dispersion binding
and its entering into a fibre. Centrifuges are shaky are cooled by water (turnaround). Cooling
turnaround waters it is carried out in the capacities located outside a building, and during
the summer period it is added cooling stack.
Productivity of a centrifuge at which the qualitative fibre - from 0,4 up to 1, 7 tons melts at one o'clock is provided.
At blow-off fibres from rollers centrifuges not fibrous inclusions it is removed from the bunker in forward part of the chamber fiber-deposition by the scraper conveyor and further are utilized. Losses melt at fibrelization - up to 12 %.
In connection with a continuity of work of the furnace 2 centrifuges (working and reserve) are used.
Centrifuges are placed on metalware, allowing to expedite their replacement and maintenance service.
Service life rollers from standard steel at the maximal loading a centrifuge makes 2-3 weeks.
After that they are subject to restoration or replacement on new. Before installation are shaky
balance on the special stand delivered together with the complete set of centrifuges.
Manufacturing of rollers is possible from special heat resisting steel, raising term of their operation.
Release melt and formation of fibres
4. Preparation binding
1. For use as binding it is possible to use phenol - formaldehyde pitch. Their concentrate
(up to 60 % on the dry rest) it is delivered in a ready kind in turnaround capacities on a site of preparation binding.
On a site the concentrate is dosed out volumetric feeder and goes to a reactor for
mixing with water and catalysts for reception of 5-10 %-s' solutions. Upon termination
of mixing binding it is pumped over in account capacity, and in a reactor pump a new portion of a concentrate.
2. Use acrylic-bentonitic binding as harmless and ecologically safe is possible.
Its preparation is carried out in installation of container type at full mechanization and automation of process.

Site of preparation phenol - formaldehyde binding

Container installation
5. Preliminary formation of products
After multiple-roll centrifuges the fibre with put binding gets in the chamber fibredeposition.
Further the mesh conveyor the fibre goes on pendular pickup and is displayed on the intermediate conveyor,
Located under a corner 90 ° to the previous part of a line. The collected canvas nestles
on height rollers, and on edges it is formed arc directing - by "ski". In a line the
opportunity removal is stipulated primary canvas after the chamber fibredeposition
(processed binding or without him{it}) with a view of processings in products distinguished
from standard (for example, cylinders).
For maintenance exhaustion from the chamber fibre-deposition by means of the
centrifugal fan air with pairs binding and a dust is sucked away

The forming machine with pendular destacker

Output of a primary fibre from the chamber fobre-deposition
6. Dryings of products and polymerization
Drying of products and polymerization binding occurs in the chamber of the polymerization
consisting from 3 zones with various and adjustable thermal modes. For drying products
are used hot smoke gases. Smoke gases by means of an air linea are transported up to
fans of the chamber of polymerization. If necessary they warm gas torch heat-generator
or are cooled up to necessary temperature by atmospheric air.
Further by means of system of pipelines the mix of gases and air moves in the chamber
of polymerization, heats up products, drying up them. For increase of profitability of
process of drying a purge of products it is carried out alternately in directions
"from top to down" and "from below - upwards".
The chamber of polymerization with heat-generator
7. It is sharp products
It is made by disk saws. By means of longitudinal are sharp edges and width of products are formed.
Movement cross-section are sharp it is synchronized with movement conveyor and determines
length of a product. The formed dust is sucked away by an extract.
Cross-section and longitudinal are sharp
8. The required additional equipment
- rolling - for turning in a roll soft it is matte;
- a packing machine for packing rolls or plates in shrink film;
- the compressor air for a feed of system of dispersion binding, drives rolling and a packing machine, systems blow-off pyrometers, loading apertures of the furnace;
- hoisting-and-transport mechanisms (it agrees the project);
- system of cooling of turnaround water with an emergency subsystem (at absence of electrosupply or a long absence of network water);
- the emergency generator;
- a site of preparation and submission mixture;
- the equipment for preparation binding;
- metalware platforms of service of the furnace and units of a line;
- metalware railway lines with a site of replacement of centrifuges;
- system aspiration and dust-gas purifications.
- Preliminary consultation
- manufacturing and delivery of separate elements of the equipment or all complex Is carried out, switching a furnace forming a line and auxiliary units.
- necessary design works, researches on selection of compoundings of raw material and finished goods, chief - installation (or installation) the equipment, commissioning, training of qualified personnel are provided.
- "starting" and industrial parties of raw material are delivered.
- the complete set spent by the equipment and normative materials of a repair site, shop laboratory.
- architectural supervision of working manufacture, its technological support and modernization Is provided.
- deliveries of spare parts, account materials are carried out.
Completeness of the equipment of manufacture mineral wool products
The list includes the complete set of the basic and auxiliaries, sufficient for functioning
of manufacture, except for manufacturing and intrashop transport and system of ventilation of a building.
The name |
Quantity |
the Line technological
The equipment bulge
Blast engine
Plate collector
Case of management
Case of power supplies
Are shaky spare
The balancing stand (the machine tool +ýëåêòðîøêàô)
* Metalware platforms of service of centrifuges
The equipment of primary formation of products
The chamber fibre-deposition
The inclined conveyor
Pendular destacker
The assembly conveyor
Case of management
The conveyor of gathering
The equipment of drying and polymerization
The chamber of polymerization
The main drive
Smoke exhaust heat-generator
The case heat-generator
Block torches of the ò/generator
System of air lines
Case of management (the common from item 1.4)
The formatted equipment
Longitudinal it is sharp
Cross-section it is sharp
Reception table
System aspiration
1 kit.
3 block
3 kit.
1 kit.
the Packing equipment
Shrink machine
The conveyor
Turnaround water supply
The pump cooling stack
The pump of turnaround water supply
Case of management,
Control equipment
Pipelines, armature
* Capacity for water (pool 30ì3)
Capacity emergency
Cooling stack
* A platform and the base under capacities
* Metall structure under cooling stack
1 kit.
1 kit.
The compressor
The climate - control
The filter linear
Pipelines, armature
Power case
* Room
1 kit.
Preparation of mixture
Bunkers receptions
The Weight-dosing out equipment
Control equipment
* Metallware
1 kit.
1 kit.
Unit binding
Platform of service of a reactor
The pump circulating
The pump pumping over
Pumps - feeder
Pipelines and armature
Account capacities
Control equipment
Case of management
1 kit.
1 kit.
1 kit.
the Furnace melting
* The base
Metallware skeleton
* A platform of service
Fire-resistant materials
Burner stones
The loading device
Insulating materials
Blast engine
Air lines and armature
Smoke exhaust
Units of systems of gas automatics and safety
Control equipment
Case of management
1 kit.
1 kit.
1 kit.
1 kit.
1 kit.
1 kit.
1 kit.
* - It is made by the Customer
the Note:
The chimney in a condition of delivery has the sizes providing functioning the melting furnace.
At a high common background of pollution of an atmosphere in a place of accommodation the
enterprises and-or affinity of inhabited sector the increase in its height can be demanded
and, probably, designs up to size providing required dispersion of emissions.
In this case the Customer in addition finances designing and manufacturing of a chimney.