Basalt plastic - composition materials on the basic basalt fibers. For a fabric,
canvases, a paper, as stuff, can be used dispersed a fibre and roving from a basalt
fibre in diameter 8-12 microns. As binding - epoxy, epoxyphenolics, phenol-formaldehyde,
polyamid resin.
On the basis of roving from glass basalt complex filaments it is received basalt
plastic armature with a degree of filling up to 80 weight %;
On the basis of a basalt fabric - basalt-textolite with a degree of filling up to 70 weight %;
On the basis of a basalt paper - basalt-hardened paper.
Physicotechnical parameters basalt plastic
The name of parameters | Basalt plastic armature | Basalt-textolite | Basalt-hardened paper |
Failing stress, ÌPa At a stretching At a bend At compression |
1080-1380 670-780 460-490 |
140-220 120-200 - | |
The module of elasticity at a stretching, ÌPa | 89000-93000 | 39000-40000 | 12000-14000 |
Water absorption for 24 hours | 0,01 | 0,02 | 0,02 |
The "know-how" basalt plastic armature by diameter from 1 up to 15 mm is developed.
On the basis of basalt plastic armature make road plates, side, plates for facing
hydraulic engineering constructions, etc.
Application of 1 kg basalt plastic armature allows to save 9 kg armature steel.

The original design casing packing on the basis of basaltfibrous composition materials
which completely meets all requirements of operation is developed and allows to raise
safety of bases and military arsenals.
Basalt plastic - a material, allowing to satisfy made demands on fire resistent,
chemical resistance, biostability and strength.
The raw-material base for manufacture of a basalt fiber and products on its basis is not limited.
For manufacturing package are used composition glass-basaltfibrous materials.
Package from such material serves not less than 30 years whereas package from wood
has the limited term of suitability (5-7 years).
Developed package fire resistent (does not burn), does not decay, and on weight
and to strength characteristics corresponds package from wood. Package convenient at
transportation - has a modular design, ò. å. Understands on separate elements.
Application of container from composite materials will allow to refuse use of
scarce wood, to avoid fires, to raise reliability and time of its operation with
the packed ammunition, to lower quantity and cost of repair work on repacking an ammunition on arsenals.