Fibers receive from basalts and andesite-basalts melts in the form of three marks:

Characteristics coarse fibers

The name of parametersMark IMark IIMark III
Diameter, micron80-150151-250251-400
Breaking strength, MPa, not less20015080
Chemical stability, %
0,5 N Na OH
2 N Na OH

Coarse fibers possess not only low hygroscopic property, but also minimal water-retentive ability. In comparison with glass, coarse fibers have greater vapor-water-alkali resistanc and more a heat of application. Fibers are developed for disperse reinforcing concrete, ferro-concrete and asbestos-cement building products and designs in industrial and rural construction.

Scope of fiber reinforcing:
  • Concrete floors, runways of the airports, high-speed motorways;
  • Industrial floors in shops where the heavy equipment is established;
  • Internal reinforcing of tunnels and channels, strengthening of slopes;
  • Repair and reconstruction of constructions;
  • Concrete water channels, fireproof designs;
  • Military constructions, aseismic buildings and constructions.

Advantages of the concrete reinforced by basalt fibers:

  • The total cost of construction of tunnels Decreases;
  • Thickness of a concrete layer can be reduced up to half of layer from usual concrete;
  • Terms of construction decrease in connection with absence of necessity to establish a wire grid;
  • In collectors and underground water channels thickness of a concrete covering essentially decreases, and terms of construction shorter;
  • Necessity for reinforcing concrete floors disappears, owing to application of a fibre, and in this case terms of construction decrease twice;
  • Cost of repair and service essentially decreases, owing to durability of the concrete reinforced by a fibre;
  • Fatigue durability of the concrete reinforced by a basalt fibre Increases;
  • At reinforcing concrete, shock durability increases approximately in 20 times, fibers provide three-dimensional hardening concrete in comparison with traditional armature which provides two-dimensional hardening;
  • Fibers are not subject to electrochemical corrosion, unlike usual and the cathodic effect can test armatures which is an electric conductor.
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